Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Amchi Mumbai (My Mumbai)

Hi All,

 Two and a half years ago I appeared for the Lehman Brother interview and I was supposed to join in Mumbai if got selected. After clearing three rounds of interview I have been told by HR panel that they “will get back to me”. I hope you all understand what does this phrase means. If not, I’ll tell you this is a sophisticated way to say good bye. 

Now I would say I am double lucky at this point of time. First, as Lehman Brother is no more with us. Second reason is now I am no more belongs to Maharashtra. Since I am not a Marathi Manoos. Let me first tell you that I am born and brought up in Delhi. Which is touching the boundaries of U.P.  So, it might possible delhiites would be the next one.

I don’t want to indulge in why all these things are happenings. I hope that we all know the reason behind all this chaos. Bal Thackeray nephew should learn this from Mauritius PM Mr. Naveenchandra Ramgoolam. The moment he landed in his homeland, he touched Bihar soil and applied it on his forehead as a mark of respect to the native land of his forefathers. What would you say that kind of respects- a mark of conservatism or the respect of love and respect for his forefathers’ land? I leave that on you to decide.

If people of Maturities have no hesitation in making the prime minister whose roots doesn’t belongs to the island. Then Who are you? to stop people from other states. What kind of message you are imparting abroad?

In my class VII I have studied in Civics that we can move to any part of country without taking any permission and law is same for every one etc. etc. Either we have to change the text of those books or we have to control all these nonsense. I have few suggestions if NCERT want to change the syllabus. Few of them are

  • Parliament should have only Delhiites as it is located in Delhi
  • No Hindi movie should be made in Mumbai, only Marathi.
  • At every state, buses, train and flight should be stopped and staff changed to local men.
  • NRI’s should not be allowed to invest in India as they left their mother land.

I hope our leaders would like to choose the second option. 

If you are unable to find the real problems for Mumbai to be addressed first, I have a few please focus on them. I am quite sure this will give you more seats in the upcoming elections.

  • Issue of school dropouts in Mumbai.  Over 53 per cent of the children from municipal schools  drop out of school by the age of  10-16 years.
  • According to 2001 census of India, about 54% of the city's population lives in slums. Dharavi,  Asia's second largest slum is located in central Mumbai and houses over 1 million people. I am  quite sure all of them are not from UP and Bihar.
  • Mumbai recorded 27,577 incidents of crime in 2004.
  • Continuous raining for one or two days seriously affects the working of the city.

I was posting this blog after the news of Rahul Raj. An emotional young boy from patna, encountered by Mumbai Police. But, meanwhile news of Dharmadev Rai came. He was beaten to death in Thane, Mumbai. Group of 10 goons get into the local train and after verifying Dharmadev belongs to Gorakhpur, death sentence awarded for him.

Please my dear leaders for god sake stop this stupidity before it becomes revolution.

Remember: Pehle Desh fir Shesh (Country First)

With Love,

Dhiraj Srivastava


