Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Amchi Mumbai (My Mumbai)

Hi All,

 Two and a half years ago I appeared for the Lehman Brother interview and I was supposed to join in Mumbai if got selected. After clearing three rounds of interview I have been told by HR panel that they “will get back to me”. I hope you all understand what does this phrase means. If not, I’ll tell you this is a sophisticated way to say good bye. 

Now I would say I am double lucky at this point of time. First, as Lehman Brother is no more with us. Second reason is now I am no more belongs to Maharashtra. Since I am not a Marathi Manoos. Let me first tell you that I am born and brought up in Delhi. Which is touching the boundaries of U.P.  So, it might possible delhiites would be the next one.

I don’t want to indulge in why all these things are happenings. I hope that we all know the reason behind all this chaos. Bal Thackeray nephew should learn this from Mauritius PM Mr. Naveenchandra Ramgoolam. The moment he landed in his homeland, he touched Bihar soil and applied it on his forehead as a mark of respect to the native land of his forefathers. What would you say that kind of respects- a mark of conservatism or the respect of love and respect for his forefathers’ land? I leave that on you to decide.

If people of Maturities have no hesitation in making the prime minister whose roots doesn’t belongs to the island. Then Who are you? to stop people from other states. What kind of message you are imparting abroad?

In my class VII I have studied in Civics that we can move to any part of country without taking any permission and law is same for every one etc. etc. Either we have to change the text of those books or we have to control all these nonsense. I have few suggestions if NCERT want to change the syllabus. Few of them are

  • Parliament should have only Delhiites as it is located in Delhi
  • No Hindi movie should be made in Mumbai, only Marathi.
  • At every state, buses, train and flight should be stopped and staff changed to local men.
  • NRI’s should not be allowed to invest in India as they left their mother land.

I hope our leaders would like to choose the second option. 

If you are unable to find the real problems for Mumbai to be addressed first, I have a few please focus on them. I am quite sure this will give you more seats in the upcoming elections.

  • Issue of school dropouts in Mumbai.  Over 53 per cent of the children from municipal schools  drop out of school by the age of  10-16 years.
  • According to 2001 census of India, about 54% of the city's population lives in slums. Dharavi,  Asia's second largest slum is located in central Mumbai and houses over 1 million people. I am  quite sure all of them are not from UP and Bihar.
  • Mumbai recorded 27,577 incidents of crime in 2004.
  • Continuous raining for one or two days seriously affects the working of the city.

I was posting this blog after the news of Rahul Raj. An emotional young boy from patna, encountered by Mumbai Police. But, meanwhile news of Dharmadev Rai came. He was beaten to death in Thane, Mumbai. Group of 10 goons get into the local train and after verifying Dharmadev belongs to Gorakhpur, death sentence awarded for him.

Please my dear leaders for god sake stop this stupidity before it becomes revolution.

Remember: Pehle Desh fir Shesh (Country First)

With Love,

Dhiraj Srivastava






Monday, September 1, 2008

Man Vs. Wild & Man is Wild

Hi All,

Let me first elaborate on the title in order to avoid any confusion. Man Vs Wild is in context with the Bihar Flood and Man is Wild is to show you all our inhumane nature towards an accident victim.

Man Vs Wild

I am sure you all have studied geography during your school days and must be well aware of the major rivers in India. Does that include Kosi river or Koshi (Real Name)? Well, I am quite sure that except from quite a few (who are native to Bihar or Jharkhand) not many would really know. So, let me first tell you the brief history of this river.

Actually Kosi is a major tributary of Ganga. This river is mentioned in the epic Mahabharata as KauĊ›iki. Seven Koshis join together to form the Saptakoshi River which is popularly known as the Koshi.

What we are facing now is 10% of what Bihar would have faced on 24th August, 1954. The average flow of this river is 55,000 cubic feet per second. During floods, it increases to as much as 18 times the average. On this fateful day it was 850,000 cu ft/s. After that Kosi Barrage which is much in news these days has been designed for 954,000 cu ft/s.

Now it has been said that river has changed its course after 2 centuries (200 Years) and hence the flood. I would have no problem if this change in route was in destiny’s hand. Unfortunately this is not the case. After the disastrous flood in 1954 it was mutually decided between India and Nepal to work on three major projects on this river basin. First was to build the Barrage to control this wayward river which has migrated about 120 km in the last 250 years. Second was to build embankments both above and below the barrage to define a fixed channel. Third, to build a dam to provide substantial flood cushion along with large irrigation and power benefits to both countries. First two were to be developed and maintained by Govt. of India and third one was the responsibility of Nepal.

India has however developed the first two and “MAINTAINED”. But, we are still waiting for a dam on this “Sorrow of Bihar” (Another name for Kosi). Still I don’t have any issues with Nepal govt. Since they were too busy in developing their DAMNS with Maoists.

This situation had never been raised if we maintained what we were supposed to do. The Kosi barrage, completed in 1963, was built only for 25 years as a temporary solution to the flood problem, and experts agree it has outlived its utility. 20 years has gone and we are still preparing DPR (Detailed Project Report) for Dam.

So, please don’t blame on Kosi as it is on its way back where it is suppose to be.

Man is Wild

After 7/11 (Mumbai Local Train Blast) we have seen the spirit of Mumbai. How people were back to work right from very next day. I agree that was the spirit. Now, What do you call this if an accident victim lying on road and cry for help and every one around was running for their WORK.

Nirmala Kadam died on a busy road in Mumbai. Hit by a taxi while crossing the road, Kadam was then run over by a bus. As she lay in a pool of blood, begging for water, the world turned a blind eye to Kadam’s distress. Even the constables who came apparently to help, treated her with callous neglect. She died on the way to hospital.

Is this because we don’t want to help accident victims or we don’t want to involve. I always feel that people in India are same as other part of the world but its our system which make them so callous. Actually it is our system which treats witness as a criminal. According to a Chandigarh based NGO at least 90% cases (the NGO has helped) are those where people have refused to help the victim.

In Delhi recently, one hospital demanded a Rs 40,000 deposit from the person who brought in an accident victim. When the person refused, he was asked to take the casualty elsewhere. A scuffle ensued and the police were called in. It was revealed that the hospital had a history of denying admission to accident victims.

Supreme Court’s guidelines directing lay Indians never to ignore the injured and medical practitioners never to turn away victims of road accidents. But I think it is hard to enforce. We have seen during riots or during Natural calamities people open their doors even for strangers. But mean-spirited for accident victims because it might end in a police station.

It’s a question that needs to be asked. How can people be so caring with family and friends, but not towards his fellow man, even if a stranger?

Remember: You might be a spectator today but might be a VICTIM tomorrow.

With Love,
Dhiraj Srivastava

Man Vs. Wild
UN Bihar Flood Report.

Man is Wild
Times of India

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Power of Gandhi

Milansar Apartments,
Paschim Vihar,

11:00 P:M

Hello Friends,

I hope you all are fine and doing well in your businesses. Today it’s 22nd June and its Sunday. Usually I don’t plan anything special for this very special day and spend time with my best friend i.e. TV remote control :-) and during surfing I landed up on set max showing “Gandhi My Father” and I decided to see the movie once again. I have already seen the movie in the very first week of release around a year back. Not to mention everything in movie was same but I think this time my perspective towards this great man has changed a lot.

Well, I am not writing this blog to praise Gandhiji or to crtisice his son Harilal (The movie is based on the relations of these two characters). This blog is all about following a leader. Its about giving 100% in the era when there is no media. Its about myths we used to carry through generations (specifically last two) for this man.

I hope you all know that the period British Raj in India was 1858–1947 after the successful tenure of British East India Company 1757–1858. Effectively we can see around 150 years rule. 150 years is quite equivalent to 5-6 generations. I am emphasizing on generations just to visualize the adaptability what we inherit. For example pick any of young Indian now a days and ask them to visualize India before partition, They can’t because they haven’t seen that era. How come Gandhi visualized that India should get independence. I mean the term “Independence” and help others to understand the fact.

There are many myths about Gandhi. I’d like to point out a few of them and hopefully get rid of them for you.

One of the most common and most dangerous myths about Gandhi is that he was a saint. The name—or rather, the title—Mahatma itself means “Great Soul. Gandhi tried to avoid the title, but the people of India ignored his protests.

Gandhi objected when people called him “a saint trying to be a politician.” He said he was instead “a politician trying to be a saint.” Personally, I go along with Gandhi’s judgment on this.

Another myth about Gandhi is that our immediate post independence leaders followed the path laid by Gandhi, beginning with Nehru, are the inheritors of his tradition and have carried it on.

I wish they had. But really, India’s leaders have rejected much more of Gandhi than they’ve adopted.

They abandoned nonviolent action as soon as they attained power. India now sports the world’s fourth largest armed force, and the leaders haven’t seemed at all reluctant to use it to settle conflicts, either inside or outside the country. No thought is given to possible Gandhi-style alternatives.

Maybe even worse, India’s leaders have done their best to imitate Western countries by building an economy based on large-scale industry and large-scale agriculture.

Gandhi fought this kind of development. He warned that it would economically ruin India’s villages, where 80% of India’s people lived and still live. And Gandhi has proved correct.

Yes, India is now overall a much richer country—but it has more desperately poor people than ever. As many as half of its people can’t afford enough food to sustain health. India prides itself now on growing enough grain so it doesn’t need to import any—but the surplus rots in storage while people starve who can’t afford to buy it!

Another of the biggest myths about nonviolent action is the idea that Gandhi invented it.

Gandhi is often called “the father of nonviolence.” Well, he did raise nonviolent action to a level never before achieved. Still, it wasn’t at all his invention.

Gandhi and his Indian colleagues in South Africa were well aware of other nonviolent struggles before they adopted such methods themselves. That was in 1906. In the couple of years before that, they’d been impressed by mass nonviolent actions in India, China, Russia, and among blacks in South Africa itself.

So, Gandhi was definitely not “the father of nonviolence” in the sense of having invented it. But we might still grant him the title in something of the sense in which we say Isaac Newton “discovered” gravity.

Why aren’t we more aware of such cases—including those in our own history? I think it’s because of something we could call “filtering.”

Probably most of you who’ve worked with cameras know about the kind of filter I mean. The filter fits over the camera lens and blocks out portions of the light—usually certain colors—and lets the remainder pass through to the lens. In effect, the filter selects the portion of light that the camera will “see.”

Each of us too sees the world through our own “filter”—a filter made up of our assumptions, our motivations, and the categories we use to sort out and organize our experience. This filter determines how we see the world.

When we come across something that doesn’t match our assumptions, motivations, and categories, our filter blocks it out. It’s not that we choose to reject it. Consciously, we don’t even perceive it. Or else we perceive it in a partial, distorted form.

It seems that nonviolence has a particularly hard time passing through many people’s filters.

Gandhi practiced two types of Satyagraha in his mass campaigns. The first was civil disobedience, which entailed breaking a law and courting arrest. When we today hear this term, our minds tend to stress the “disobedience” part of it. But for Gandhi, “civil” was just as important. He used “civil” here not just in its meaning of “relating to citizenship and government” but also in its meaning of “civilized” or “polite.” And that’s exactly what Gandhi strove for.

The second form of mass Satyagraha was noncooperation.

This is just what it sounds like. Noncooperation meant refusing to cooperate with the opponent, refusing to submit to the injustice being fought. It took such forms as strikes, economic boycotts, and tax refusals.

Of course, noncooperation and civil disobedience overlapped. Noncooperation too was to be carried out in a “civil” manner. Here too, Gandhi’s followers had to cheerfully face beating, imprisonment, confiscation of their property—and it was hoped that this willing suffering would cause a “change of heart.”

Gandhi saw that the power of any tyrant depends entirely on people being willing to obey. The tyrant may get people to obey by threatening to throw them in prison, or by holding guns to their heads. But the power still resides in the obedience, not in the prison or the guns.

Now, what happens if those people begin to say, “We’re not afraid of prison. We’re even willing to die. But we’re not willing to obey you any longer.”

It’s very simple. The tyrant has no power. He may rant and scream and hurt and destroy—but if the people hold to it, he’s finished.

Gandhi said, “I believe that no government can exist for a single moment without the cooperation of the people, willing or forced, and if people suddenly withdraw their cooperation in every detail, the government will come to a standstill.”

That was Gandhi’s concept of power—the one he’s accused of not having. It’s a hard one to grasp, for those used to seeing power in the barrel of a gun. Their filters do not pass it. And so they call Gandhi idealistic, impractical.

If all this stuff does pass through your filter, you may be well on your way to understanding Gandhi.

With Love,

Dhiraj Srivastava

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Petrol / LPG rate hike

Paschim Vihar, Delhi

Hello Friends,

I purchased my car around one and a half year back. Since then I never tested the needle of my Fuel Meter whether it can reach the F (Full) point.
Thanks to Mr. Murli Deora by giving me this opportunity. Well Jokes apart !! I can see now on every news channel people are criticizing government by sending SMS's (6 Rs. each) that they are not going to give vote to UPA (Mainly congress because Left is supporting from OUTSIDE). I don't understand a simple thing if a common man knows that general election is due with in a year. How come our government is ignoring this ?

Well let me tell you friends simple mathematics of Petrol.

Petrol consumption in India in 1950 was 1 metric ton now its 100 metric ton. Indian economy is largely self-sufficient in food, but is not blessed in a similar manner as regards oil. We are therefore vulnerable to global trends in oil crisis, in the past four years the crude oil prices have increased over three times from $39 per barrel in May, 2004 to $130 per barrel.

The Government, at a great cost to its finances, has ensured that the impact of the global oil shock is minimal on India. But "business cannot go like this forever. We need to learn to adjust to this new international scenario.

There are limits to which we can keep consumer prices unaffected by rising import costs. Our oil companies cannot go on incurring losses. This way, they will have no money to import crude oil.

It must be appreciated what has been done is the bare minimum with a substantial burden being borne by the Government and the oil companies.

As the Centre had taken a revenue hit of Rs 22,660 crore by cutting duties.

So, Relax Petrol has not crossed 100 Rs / Lt.

Regarding 50 Rs. hike in LPG. I think I am not going to take more than 5 lines to explain this.

1. For every LPG cylinder govt gives subsidy of around 250 Rs.

2. We have around 9 crore consumer of LPG cylinder and 4.5 crores are using 2 cylinder. That means 50% doesn't require subsidy because they can purchase a single cylinder for 600 bucks.

3. So, 50 Rs. hike is quite minimal !! I hope so !!

A quick fact: NDA Govt. has raised petrol prices 21 times.

Atlast I would also like to show you the opinion of those people who are like us (Who can offord to spend time on internet)

Recent INDIA TODAY survey on price hike. Please do visit because these are the people whose participation in goverment is less than 0% :-)


Cheers !!

Happy Driving

Dhiraj Srivastava