For narrow minded people what does this title means? Reserving a table in a restaurant, multiplex, disco etc. etc. and for broadminded and farsighted people this means putting themselves in reserve category. This is what we can see now a days in
I born and brought up in outer
At the time of independence some socially backwards casts were categorized in these categories. Now, after 64 years all those are still backward and many more casts are added. What a tragedy! Every community leaders are frontrunner to get reserved category status. We are now feeling privileged to show deprived.
Every other day you can read headlines like “
This is high time to be a volunteer of their community to get reserved status. I would like to lead my community Kayastha. I personally feel I’m backward because I don’t see any political leader after Lal Bahadur Shastri. He was Srivastava but dropped his last name as he was against caste system. What you did sir, I lost my identity ..
Any other volunteer from other so called upper castes ?
What is the definition of Dalit ?
A caste comes under a reserved category or a person who is even not able to arrange bread for two times.
Is there any politician or leader who asks for reservation on the basis of financial condition.
If not then please give OBC status to my Jat friends and please consider my feelings of backwardness too.
Your's socially backward and deprived friend
Dhiraj ‘Srivastava’